Monday 9 June 2014


So, I'm pretty Nazi-ish about "stuff" since a) we have a small house and b) we've always intended to leave small house anyway c) I have feels about about the enviromental and ethical side of stuff.
M and I packed away a lot of stuff a month ago- the stuff we don't really need anyway, a heap of books, a couple of ornaments, all our board games except scrabble and uno. Back when my parents visited us over Christmas I went through our room (which doubles as household storage) and culled a lot of stuff. So. Two things became really apparent to us- despite not buying a lot of stuff, we end up with loads anyway, and we could totally get on board with an extremely minimalist house post move. 
("Maybe," M suggested "We could just not unpack these boxes and leave them under the house?")

Like I said- we don't have a lot of stuff. But my collection of four pieces of retro glass fruit? Isn't that 4 pieces too many since exactly none of them are useful? Perhaps. But they are rather pretty...
Things get messy when its Willow's stuff. Like, on one hand- does she need as many dolls as she does? On top of all the stuffed toys? Then there are all her other toys- trucks, trains, doll houses, dress ups, train sets, wooden puzzles etc. Who gets served an eviction notice and who stays? Who decides? Should I, because I'm the adult and think long term about what she will still be playing with in a year's time? Or Willow, since its her stuff after all?
If it was up to me, I'd limit her to 5 stuffed toys/ dolls, her train set and 8 cars, her Tonka trucks, 20 books, a box of good quality toy animals and some lengths of fabric for dressing up. Plus her puzzles and educational games. With a few other items, I don't think this is a highly unreasonable limit to have on stuff. The problem is, naturally, when people want to add to it. What happens if someone gives her a poorly made stuffed toy- what then? Do we get rid of one of her better made stuffed toys? Do we return it to the giver and explain that sorry, we are not in the habit of accepting toys made by exploited workers that then fall apart after six weeks?

The obvious solution is- since we are moving, to not tell anyone our new address. Voila! Now no one can send us gifts! The downside to that plan is I do want friends at the end of the day...

I suppose there is no magical solution to this. That until Willow becomes a teenager *shudder* M and I will forever be de-cluttering and wrestling with our consciences...
Or quietly adding to a growing pile of boxes stored under our next home.

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