Wednesday 12 February 2014

monday's child.

Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay

So, obviously, I've made a change to my photos. They're all watermarked. It just seemed like a good idea, for a whole lot of reasons. To be honest, if I had started this blog today, I would do it differently. I probably would use more pseudonyms. Like, since it's called Sundayland, perhaps M could become Mr Monday? And Willow could be Miss Wednesday. It works, based on the initial of the first name.

The idea certainly has potential, except Willow isn't full of woe. She was born on a Sunday and the prophecy of the rhyme certainly suits her. M was actually born on a Monday, while I was born on a Thursday. So who knows? Maybe I'll run with that idea sometime.

Also, culturally, we're not supposed to like Monday's, but M is very likable.

I've also been thinking about what to do with older posts. Delete them all? Put them all on lockdown? Delete all the old photos? There is a lot of posts- like, it could actually be easier to delete the whole blog, and start again.

I guess these changes have been brought about for a few different reasons. When I started I was very lonely and isolated, so blogging was a nice outlet for me... like hey, I might be really unhappy in my life, but at least I can make it sound ok. I don't need to fool anyone any more. I'm more aware of internet security- I've always been pretty savvy, but now I'm even more paranoid. The more you learn... I also have less time. Like, seriously. When I first started, I didn't have many mummy friends, or hobbies. I was a little lost. Now, I find my life really fulfilling. Willow is also older, so there is just a whole lot less to write about, as well.

What do you think? Should we become the new Adams family, with Miss Wednesday and Mr Monday and Ms Sunday?

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