Monday 10 February 2014

Home again

Ah, home. The sweetest place on earth, isn't it? We've actually been home since Friday night, but I only feel like we have unwound now, and returned to our routine... Well, almost. Willow had her first dance class today, and returns to childcare this week, while I return to uni at the start of march. This semester I will be studying human bioscience, primary health care and mental health. Human bioscience and chemistry are my weakest points, although I find them fascinating- I just struggle with names and the abstract nature of it. In my day to day life this means after several years I can't remember if my friends husband is Mitchell or Michael, which is merely embarrassing, but in nursing means I get, say, oxytocin and oxycodone helplessly mixed up. Since a lot of things share similar chemical names... A chemist I will not make. 

The other nice thing about uni is the fruit and veg co op: a generous box of seasonal fruit and veg, for the low low price of $15 a box. M and I normally supplement what's in the box with more bananas, but its usually a good haul for our fruit loving household. Its also a great way to avoid getting in a fruit and veg rut. 

Plus, it makes us feel so hip, being part of a co op. 

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