Tuesday 1 October 2013

mermaids and sailors.

(photographed while on a very rare, Willow free lunch with M and his friend.)
Did someone say beach weather? Yessssssss. The beach is only an hour away, but I can't wait for the school holidays to be over so we can get some parking and spend a day at the beach. Willow is obsessed with the beach and water in general. That girl has been known to sleep with her swimmers "because I love it." Over winter Willow we've filled Willow's water love by taking her to heated pool a few towns over. This year, I hope to get Willow into swimming lessons, except she has such nasty ear infections if we're not careful. And I dread those, really I do, because even if I'm not careful with washing her hair, this happens:

Sleeping in emergency. Not the best look.
I gave Willow a bath, so I could wash her hair, and she complained water was in her ear despite me being careful. I promised to dry it out when she got out, but then we were playing baby birds and Mark's parents were arriving the next day, and... I forgot. The next night, she woke up around 1am crying that her ear hurt. She refused to eat or drink anything, including lollies. By 8am, I called a taxi to take us to emergency. Despite wearing a jacket and being wrapped in a blanket, she kept crying she was cold. Then she vomited all over us. Eventually she was so exhausted she fell asleep in a chair, which is when I took that photo. It's not a very good photo of her, but don't worry. I got her medicine, took her home, and she slept all day. She woke up in the afternoon and was much better. See? 
Willow spent the afternoon curled up in a chair, under a blanket, with her loyal Foxy, who had followed her to ED and home again. (Excuse all the camping supplies piled up in the background.) 

So, I know there are ways to stop water getting in kids ears... I know there are earplugs and swimming caps and goggles... I know I can dry her ears out afterwards. But... I don't drive because I'm so scared ONE MISTAKE will end badly for myself or someone else. So, selfishly, she hasn't had any swimming lessons because I'm scared I'll screw up and her ear drum will explode or something. 

But anyways. Despite my recent screw up... we're going ahead with lessons anyway. Even if they scare me. The kids at childcare keep asking me why I ride a bike instead of a car, and I swear I can see the judgement in their 3-5 year old eyes when I'm all "It's good for the environment... and also, I'm scared of cars." I've conquered some little fears and aversions... like cooking fish from raw, making hollandaise sauce from scratch, and cooking new foods. (Still working on zucchini. I don't know why, but I just can't bring myself to deal with it.)

(In case you're wondering about the hair washing... we don't wash Willow's hair much because, well, we don't need to. I'm not being a dirty hippie or lazy or a coward with washing Willow's hair, but it's only teenagers and adults who have stinky bacteria lurking on our body, and crazy sebaceous glands. Babies don't need baby wash. We do shower her every day, and make sure she washes herself properly. Aside from "down there" (I can definitely tell if she's wore a pair of underwear!) (No, I'm not saying she smells strongly down there or anything...) Willow doesn't have much of a smell. If you open up a pack of bird seeds, that's exactly what her natural scent is. Warm and cosy and sweet.)
Willow's hair? It doesn't smell, it doesn't get greasy. It does, however, get rather gritty thanks to childcare. I haven't even used shampoo on her at all this year, I just use conditioner.)

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