Friday, 12 April 2013

This and that.

These. I want them. So does Willow, I bet. She LOVES balloon animals.

Things done instead of a real post:
  • Cooking my way through Donna's Hay new cookbook, Light and Easy. It's amazing.
  • Searching for sauerkraut. Another thing this backwater's supermarket doesn't sell.
  • Psyching myself up to try new fermented foods, because they're good for you. 
  • I've also recently realised that I really like pickled things.
  • M keeps overreacting to our house inspections. They're not like an army room inspection. They're NOT going to check if we cleaned the air con, or if our cupboards are neat.
  • Another recent realisation? I don't really like eating meat. And... I'm doing ok without it, to be honest. I have a habit of eating meat, a habit ingrained in me that I have to eat meat to make it a meal. But.... I'm doing ok with out it. Honestly. I can't imagine calling myself a vegetarian, or even a pescetarian, I just feel like a normal person who has scaled way back on their meat eating habits.
  • If I ask Willow what she feels like eating, it either a) fish with noodles b) noodles with prawns or c) white rice.  (The noodles with prawns is actually miso soup with dried shrimp.) Sometimes, she'll simply ask to eat cheese.
  • Torn between giving Willow her independence... and maintaining control over what she eats. On one hand, I like the idea of her having her own shelf (assuming I can find the space?!) where she can get her own healthy snacks. ie, I'll keep lunch boxes there with trail mix, water bottles, fruit. On the other, I'm paranoid she'll eat all the good stuff (dried fruit) and leave the less desirable stuff (grains) behind.
  • Fish. Willow LOVES fishing. We've been going fishing a lot now. When we're not out fishing, we're playing fishing at home with some blue polar fleece and a cheap magnetic fishing set. 
  • Cheap magnetic fishing set? Yeah. It's already falling apart. SOS. Suggestions for making our own?
  • Willow has a tan. I noticed the other day that it makes her eyes greener, and it's quite pretty. Then I went back to panicking about skin cancer.
  • Proof reading a friend's assignments. It's getting easier since we're not in the same classes this semester (since I pulled out.) Previously I'd proof read her assignments and bite my lips because I'll see a point she was getting at, but not quite hitting that nail on her head. And... I don't know. I can definitely correct grammar, but as a fellow student, I can't write it or improve it...
  • The endless puddle moppings aren't so bad anymore. Onwards we go with potty training.
  • Willow loves helping me to cook eggs. 
  • Willow's become quite mature and responsible lately. She's been very good with picking up her toys, and putting dirty plates or cups in the sink, and telling us or Lexi what is ok to touch, and what isn't. 
  • Sundae Bar. Yes please. Or maybe in our house it could be a smoothie bar. I don't know. 
  • Speaking of bars, I've decided that Mel really needs a juice bar at her wedding. I mean, the girl makes a fresh juice every day.
  • Also planning Mel's hen's day. Kayaking/ canoeing with her mother, and anyone else who wants to kayak/ canoe. 
  • ... How hard is it to kayak canoe? I mean, I'm blessed with natural fitness and endurance, but "natural fitness" and "health" can only get you so far. Mel and her mum practically live at a gym. Should I, maybe, start doing some push ups before the hen's day? Or something?
  • Driving to Newcastle. Sometimes we just hang out at the shopping centre, which is what Willow loves best. She loves playing in the playground and making new friends.
  • Bestest dried organic apricots in the world. Nothing like the ones you'd be familiar with- bright orange and leathery. These are plump and sweet and mmm. Something else we like to get in Newcastle. 
  • Maitland Markets. Less said, the better.
  • Gardening. There's always a hole somewhere to dig or a weed to pull out.
  • Still playing doctor with Willow.
  • Many, many books to read, and I just purchased a few more. One by Ina May, one on Montessori, two on vegetarian cooking, one about belonging, one by Tobsha Learner, and one about parenting around the globe.
  • I'm pretty sure Mel took me to a $2.50 book store as revenge for me taking her to a second pant book store.
  • Bubble Tea.... or more like bubble soup. OM OM OM GONE.
  • Walking around the neighborhood.

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