Saturday, 6 April 2013

home sweet home.

Well... we're back. Back to the daily grind of everyday life. Willow and I spent nearly a week in Sydney with friends, and it was blissful and wonderful, but we're also happy to see M again... or I am, anyway. Willow declared this morning that she was happy to leave M and Uncle Sal behind in Sydney, but that she wanted Aunty Mel to come home with us.

I didn't tell Willow that M was driving down to Sydney to meet us, but told her that I had a surprise for her that day. She seemed completely unimpressed to see M again- M described her reaction as being "Oh. You're back again. Where've you been all week?"
Later she asked what the surprise was, so I told her it was M, and she gave a deep sigh and went "awwww."
Which was weird and all, because normally when M gets home from work Willow runs out to greet him, and she's super excited to see him again.

Anyways. I'm well into April, and I'm yet to send out any thank you cards for Willow's birthday; I have washing to put away, and washing to do; I have a cover for our chair to sew (since Willow spilt apple juice on the white cushion!) and food to cook and a house to tidy just in case someone visits. Plus I have a lengthy centrelink chat that I need to do ASAP, I haven't shared any photos from Willow's birthday, OR M's birthday or even my own.... plus I have heaps of posts I really need to get around to writting and sharing... and I promised Willow I'd make her something with some hideous bright pink fabric with stars that she picked out last month... and I really need to find some where to store all the homeless stuff in my house... and I really need to read some of my books on my to read pile already.... and respond to emails.... all before we go away to visit family for ANZAC day.

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