Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Cinderella Hair.

M, brushing Willow's hair. She's staring into our mirrored wardrobe doors the whole time, because she's vain like that.

M and I got Willow a princess dress. It was extremely out of character for us, but we were feeling guilty as all hell. We both somehow missed that it was dress up week at pre school. (The previous week it took me two hours to get home from Uni, because bushfires and traffic jams suck. M was late to get Willow, and yeah.) When I got there, there was a girl dressed up and Willow began to panic- "mummy, today is dress up day!" she cried.
"No it's not," I said. "She's just dressed up because she feels like it."
"No, it's dress up day!"
"Well, this is the first I've heard about it... Oh." I replied, as I noticed two more princesses walk in. Willow starts to get upset. I stay as long as I can, but I have to leave in order to get my bus to uni. I peddle as fast as I can, but I manage to miss it by several meters.
Then I couldn't board the second bus because I had no coins.
Then I decided screw it, and M returned from camping and picked me up and I told him how everything had gone wrong and I left Willow near tears. So we went to find the most princessy dress we could find, and settled on this $20 nylon delight, while I complained at how shite the quality was and how I could make much better (although, not in time for tomorrow) and M wondered if maybe, Willow would like the Teenaged Mutant Ninja dress up instead.

Then I picked up Willow and was all "I GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU. What do you really want to dress up as tomorrow?"
"A frog. With my froggy cape and I can go ribbit, ribbit and hop around."
"Oh. Well, mummy and Mark got you a PRINCESS DRESS UP DRESS!"
"Oh. But I wanted to be a frog."

She liked it in the end, even though she complains it's scratchy and ouchy when she wears it without a shirt underneath. So the moral of the story is... don't fail at parenting. Also, home made is always better than

And yes, my study desk is at the foot of our bed. It makes for a relaxing night's sleep.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


She didn't want to go to bed because there were monster's there who were going climb in through the window to tie her up, kidnap her, put her in a sack and run away with her like the big bad banksia men did to Cuddlepie.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Almond chocolate smoothie.

Just a quick post... No photos, because I'm not a very good food blogger. Just trust me that this is delicious. I make this every morning for breakfast.

- Oats, about a small handful and a half.
- Almond milk. (Try chocolate almond milk if you want to ease yourself into this.)
- Banana.
- Cocoa nibs.
- Chia seeds. (good source of omegas!)
- Hemp seeds. (good source of just about everything that you body needs.)
- Ice, if it's a hot day.
- Loving Earth's Rainbow Superfoods blend. You don't have to, but it's super yum and good for you.
- Maca root. It's great for reproductive health and sperm quality (apparently. I haven't checked), and regulating hormonal crazies (true. I have tested.)

1- Soak the oats in the almond milk for.... half an hour?
2- Add everything else.
3- Blend and drink.

I make a modified version of this and freeze it for Willow, without the Rainbow Superfoods blend and Maca root powder. Start off with small amounts of the chia/ hemp/ powders and work up to larger doses. Whatever works for you. Willow won't drink this smoothie, but she'll eat it as ice cream. You can also throw bee pollen in there, if you like.

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